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Overcoming Compassion Fatigue




2 Weeks


About the Course

Overcoming Compassion Fatigue: The Cost of Caring

Restoration 1:99 is a recognized leader in developing cutting-edge programs for front-line workers who suffer from compassion fatigue and burn-out.


Compassion fatigue, more broadly defined as secondary trauma, includes emotional, physical, and spiritual distress because of caring for those who are experiencing significant emotional or physical pain and suffering. It is often experienced by people working in traumatic environments. These individuals are at risk of potential mental health challenges, relationship problems, and inability to perform work responsibilities.


Whether working full time, part time, or as a volunteer, working in highly heart-wrenching, care-giving environments present a host of emotional challenges. If left untreated, it may lead to apathy, distrust, and poor work performance.


As personal chronic stress increases so does the amount of compassion fatigue one experiences. Most people who are attracted to caregiving enter the field already displaying symptoms of compassion fatigue. Unfortunately, our society has taught us to put the needs of others before caring for ourselves. Authentic, sustainable daily self-care practices are often absent from our lives.


Our path to wellness begins with one small step. Awareness! A heightened awareness can lead to insights regarding past traumas and painful situations that are being relived over and over within the confines of our symptoms and behaviors. With the appropriate information and support, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery, leading to the healing of past traumas that currently serve as obstacles to a healthier, happier life.


It is possible to practice healthy, ongoing self-care while successfully caring for others. Accepting the presence of compassion fatigue in our lives serves to validate the fact that we are deeply caring individuals.


Restoration 1:99 offers half and full-day workshops tailored to your organization’s needs. What is different about our workshops? Our workshops are not only informational, but also experiential. We use a combination of didactic learning and doing to help participants move forward. You’ll discover that even high levels of compassion fatigue can be managed with several sustainable strategies.


Available workshop days: Mondays, Fridays, or Saturdays.


Fees: Full Day - $130 per person

Half-day - $65 for a half day (3 hrs).

Fee does not include venue rental or food. It does include art supplies, if used.


Times: Full Day - 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM includes lunch break

Half Day - 3 hour sessions, AM or PM

Contact: to learn more.

Your Instructor

Candace Wheeler

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Candace Wheeler
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