By Rhonda Jones/ The Cristian Meditator
In the simplest terms, Christian Meditation is “Being with God.” It is dwelling in His presence and meditating on His glory, His character, and His Word. It is abiding with Christ for the mere pleasure of being with Him.
That sounds simple enough, right? But many things get in the way of us just being with God. With our busy and hurried schedules, it is often difficult to put aside time to give God any uninterrupted time in our day. When asked, many believers would say that an intimate relationship with Christ is first and foremost, yet how many of those same Christians spend time getting more acquainted with God in a personal way?
Fellowship with the saints, attending church, and serving the Lord are all necessary, but none of these can take precedence over worshiping our Savior in Spirit and in Truth. The Bibles says that these are the types of worshipers that He seeks.
Although Christian meditation is a great tool for restoring peace of mind, promoting inner healing, and eliminating stress, it can also strengthen our relationship with God as we present our bodies as living sacrifices and surrender our will for his plans.
In one of my favorite books, The Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis, in Chapter 8 under The Voice of Christ it reads:
“As I offered Myself willing to God the Father for your sins with hands outstretched and body naked on the cross, so that nothing remained in Me that had not become a complete sacrifice to appease the divine wrath, so ought you to be willing to offer yourself to Me day by day in…as a pure and holy oblation, together with all your faculties and affections, with as much inward devotion as you can.
What more do I ask than that you give yourself entirely to Me? I care not for anything else you may give Me, for I seek not your gift but you. Just as it would not be enough for you to have everything if you did not have Me, so whatever you give cannot please Me if you do not give yourself. Hence, if you desire to attain grace and freedom of heart, let the free offering of yourself into the hands of God precede your every action. This is why so few are inwardly free and enlightened – they know not how to renounce themselves entirely…If therefore, you wish to be my disciple, offer yourself to Me with all your heart.
Through Christian Meditation, we become One with Christ, just at Jesus said, “I and my Father are One.”